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α-Hydroxymidazolam 100 ug/mL

  【产品名称】:α-Hydroxymidazolam 100 ug/mL

  【规格】:1ml;100 ug/mL

100 ug/mL in Methanol | Certified Reference Material
a-Hydroxymidazolam is an active, major metabolite in urine and blood of the benzodiazepine, midazolam. Midazolam is sold as Dormicum, Hypnovel, and Versed as a sedative and treatment for insomnia and seizures. This Certified Spiking Solution® is suitable for use as starting material in calibrators or controls for a variety of LC/MS or GC/MS applications from forensic analysis and clinical toxicology to urine drug testing.
Concentration:     100 ug/mL
Solvent:     Methanol
Unit Size:     1 mL/ampoule
CAS Number:     59468-90-5
Chemical Formula:     C18H13ClFN3O
Molecular Weight:     341.77
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